Displaying 1 - 10 of 16.
In Asyut, Bayt al-’Aylah (House of the Family) invited all national forces to sit together at table of dialogue for the sake of Egypt. General Secretary of the House of the Family, Shaykh Sayyīd ‘Abd al-‘Azīz, urged all political forces to place higher interests of the homeland above all other...
The churches of Egypt have celebrated yesterday the Day of Resurrection (Easter). Governors of al-Minya and Fayyum visited churches in their respective governorates.
Despite announcements from the government that it would organize outdoor spaces for ‘Īd (Eid) prayers, and would not permit others organized by the people, the Salafi Call organized prayers in 40 squares in Alexandria as well as 7 in Marsá Matrūh.
Head of the Nahdat al-Qadāsah church in the Upper Egyptian governorate of Assiut, lodged a complaint against a deacon for seizing a building that was set up through donations, affiliated to the church over the area of 500 meters, after his ordainment as priest was rejected.  The classification...
The students formed groups and headed to their Coptic colleagues and invited them to return to school without any fears or concerns.   The governor, who also visited a number of Coptic houses, called on the teachers during a meeting to show presence in the school on January 4 without any worries. [...
A judge in the Asyut Court of Misdemeanor ordered the renewal of investigative custody of Jamāl ‘Abduh for 15 days on charges of publishing cartoons insulting the Prophet Muhammad on his social networking media Facebook page. Chief Prosecutor of Asyut Muhammad Sayīd, accused ‘Abduh of disdaining...
Yesterday (May 5, 2013), Egyptian Copts celebrated Easter and received greetings from fellow Muslims; however representatives from the Freedom and Justice Party were absent. Coptic Orthodox Archbishop Silwanous, General Bishop at the Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Alexandria, emphasized the need for...
Asyut Prosecution contained fitnah in Asyut when a group of salafists caught a defrocked Christian cleric with a Muslim woman in his car at the agricultural road. Salafists accompanied the cleric and the woman to the Security Department and the investigation asserted that the Priest was defrocked...
The Coptic Orthodox Church in Asyut called on Copts to participate in the elections and asserted that the church does not have specific candidate but it is neutral from all candidates and parties. This article has no link online.  
Ākhir Sā‘ah closely observes the experience of the first female mayor in Egypt, Eva Hābīl Kyrillos.


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