Displaying 11 - 20 of 20.
While Salafists insist on removing the word “principles” from Article II to read, “the Islamic sharī’ah is the source of legislation,” instead of the current text that reads “the principles of the Islamic sharī’ah are the main source of legislation,” the Muslim Brotherhood prefers to keep the text...
‘Amr Mūsá, the head of the Constituent Assembly, explained that there is a discussion about adding the interpretation of sharī’ah principles to the Constitution’s preamble based on the interpretation of the Supreme Constitutional Court and not Article 219 (Muhamad Sālim, Raniā Rabī’ and Mustafá...
The persons who launched a Facebook page called Committee to Promote Virtue and Prevent Vice in Egypt announced their “total independence” from al-Nūr Party and the Salafī Da’wah (Call) due to “the shameful position of the party that denied any relationship with this page”. They said that they will...
  cAbd al-Muncim cAbd-al Maqsūd, the lawyer of the Muslims Brotherhood group, asserted that the slogan “Islam is the solution” is one hundred percent constitutional, and that the group attained several judicial provisions confirming that this slogan is a political rather than being a religious one...
Shaykh Yāsir Burhāmī, vice president of Salafists da'wah (Call), said to the salafī al-Nūr Party youth that Islamists need to change themselves . He warned them of the competition among each other, because he noted that in some governorates some Islamists compete with each other.  Read original...
*/ A report on the situation of religious freedoms around the world - and countries that have failed to effectively protect them - was issued yesterday (September 14) by the U.S. Department of State. Middle Eastern and African countries were numerous, and Egypt was one of these countries to be...
*/ Dr. Yūsuf ‘Abd Allāh al-Qaradāwī, President of the World Federation of Muslim Scholars, said the Islamic world should be leading the world again, pointing out that Egypt is now qualified to lead the Islamic world. He said, during his meeting with a delegation from Hizb al-Wasat, that “liberals...
 A collection of political parties, with the majority being Islamic, have reached an agreement refusing the principles above the constitution and the constitutional proclamation, and put forward new principles.
Although Islamic thinker and presidential hopeful Dr. Muhammad Salīm al-'Awā approved the Azhar paper and stressed the need to activate it, he rejected that the Azhar or any other religious institution should play any political role.
“Islam doesn’t need anyone, most of the girls who convert to Islam convert just to marry a Muslim man and not because of the religion itself” says Yūssif Sakr, Dr ‘Amr Abd al Rahman’s lawyer.


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