Displaying 11 - 20 of 23.
Military experts have said that the Egyptian people will not accept the existence of an Islamic state. Major General Jamāl Maẓlūm (Gen.) said, "Whatever the percentage of participants [were Muslim] at the rally in Taḥrīr Square...I do not think that the people of Egypt are moving towards a...
The Supreme Military Court on Monday held the first hearing of the retrial of Muhammad al-Zawāhrī, the brother of Ayman al-Zawāhrī, the current leader of al-Qaeda network. Three others, against whom death and life sentences were issued in absentia, stand accused in the case known as The Returnees...
The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) warned against foreign interference to spark a sectarian sedition in Egypt while Muslim and Christian clerics agreed that dialogue is the best way now among Egyptians in order to overcome any sectarian calls. Participants in a symposium, held by the...
The Supreme Military Council sentenced two men to five years in prison and a fine of EGP500 each for causing a riot in 'Ayn Shams area, by changing a factory to a church, and possessing weapons. Read original text in Arabic  
Field Marshal Husayn Tantāwī, the head of the Supreme Council of the Armed Force, ordered investigations into the death of Rāmī Fakhrī, a Coptic engineer who died in an ambush on a main road, and referral of the outcome to SCAF. Meanwhile, the council, in its 53rd message on its Facebook page,...
A final form [draft] of a law on political rights has been approved by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces and was handed to the interim cabinet. Most importantly, it forbids expatriates to participate in Egyptian elections and removes the previous women quota in parliament. Our society calls...
Armed forces secured the papal see and the Jewish synagogue in Alexandria after anonymous threats to explode them. Church source accused salafists to be the source of the threats, especially after spreading fliers during Easter, demanding the release of the allegedly detained Muslim women by the...
Friday preachers from different Cairo mosques focused yesterday on the events of fitnah of 'Ātfīh which Egypt's been witnessing lately. The preachers stressed the duty to protect Christians and their worship places as directed by Islamic sharī'ah. In al-Rushdān mosque in Nasr City, Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘ah...
Military courts punished twenty-eight citizens with verdicts that varied from paying a fine, imprisonment for three months and ten years for being convicted of rioting, looting and violating the curfew.  
The church of Two Martyrs St. Mina and St. George was set on fire by angry Muslim young-men, after seeing a muslim girl with a christian young-man called 'Āshraf Labīb. The church is located in Sūl village of 'Ātfīh (Governorate of Helwan) [Click here to read the full story of the church.] Thousand...


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