Displaying 1 - 6 of 6.
Dr. Muhamad Mukhtār Jum’ah, the Minister of Endowments, stated the phenomena of calling people infidels has recently increased. This is caused by political interests and objectives.  It is not based on a religious foundation. Rather it is used by those who know nothing of religion (Ahmad – al...
Thousands of citizens celebrated the New Year’s Eve in the landmark central Cairo al-Tahrīr Square, sang songs of patriotic sentiments, and chanted slogans against the military’s continuity in power. [Karīmah Hassan, Sūzān ‘Ātif and Muhammad Ra’fat, Al-Misrī al-Yawm, Jan. 2, p. 3]  
The Ministry of Justice referred the fact-finding committee's report on Maspero incidents and al-Marīnāb to the military judiciary. A number of political experts had criticized referring the report to the military judiciary, adding that a civil judiciary would have been able to investigate on the...
A group of salafists in al-Menoufiya governorate set a Muslim shrine on fire under the pretext that tombs of Muslim scholars, considered holy by many Muslims, are against the Muslim faith. Grand Shaykh of the Azhar Ahmad al-Tayīb said that whoever demands the destruction of shrines belong to bloody...
Friday preachers from different Cairo mosques focused yesterday on the events of fitnah of 'Ātfīh which Egypt's been witnessing lately. The preachers stressed the duty to protect Christians and their worship places as directed by Islamic sharī'ah. In al-Rushdān mosque in Nasr City, Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘ah...
The Deputy Chairman of the National Council for Human Rights in Egypt, Dr. Ahmad Kamāl Abū al-Majd delivered a lecture in a conference that was held at Cairo University under the title: ’The family, the media and the present challenges.’
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