Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
For the first time since Marīnāb incidents occurred, Aswan Governor Major General Mustafá al-Sayīd met Anba Hidra, Metropolitan of Aswan, and the delegation of the Coptic Orthodox Church October 26. During the meeting, the two sides agreed to observe wisdom and enhance public interests in the...
Residents of al-Marīnab village, Idfū town in Aswan governorate called on Copts to take the church crisis to court, and they vowed to build the church if the court approves its construction. The Catholic Church suggested eight amendments to the unified law for building houses of worship, and asked...
At a rally in Aswan on Saturday, presidential candidate Abdel Moneim Abouel Fotouh said he would appoint a Copt as his vice president if he wins the election. “It’s all about qualification, not religion,” he said. He also warned against prolonging the transition period. “The army should go back to...
The new law on elections will allow corrupt individuals to gain a foothold in parliament, said 'Isām al-'Iryān, vice president of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party, on Monday. "There is a loophole in the new elections law that allows corrupt people, especially businessmen, who have...
The Free Egyptians Party is poised to compete the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party in the parliamentary elections, now that most of its members are Muslims," said  Najīb Sawirus, a Coptic businessman and the founder of the Free Egyptians Party. During a meeting held April 7, 2011 in...
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