Displaying 1 - 10 of 37.
Ahmad al-Iskandarānī, the spokesman for the Building and Development Party of the al-Jamā’ah al-Islāmīyah (Islamic Group), said the Jamā’ah backpedaled on insistence on the text in the new constitution that the rulings of the Islamic sharī’ah are the main source of legislation, adding the wording...
Ahmad al-Iskandarānī, the spokesman for the Building and Development Party of the al-Jamā’ah al-Islāmīyah (Islamic Group), said the Jamā’ah backpedaled on insistence on the text in the new constitution that the rulings of the Islamic sharī’ah are the main source of legislation, adding the wording...
Lawmaker Jābir al-Jahlān, a member of the parliamentary bloc of the Building & Development Party, the political arm of the al-Jamā’ah al-Islāmīyah (Islamic Group), said the Jamā’ah does not mind having any of the fulūl (remnants) of the former regime to enter the presidential elections on...
Islamic movements continued their preparations for participation in the Friday of identity and stability in a million-man protest due to be staged in Tahrīr Square and other major squares across Egypt.
Islamist parties called on military Chief of Staff Sami Anan during a meeting on Saturday to end the state of emergency, apply the Treachery Law against former National Democratic Party (NDP) members, hand over power to a civilian government before June 2012, cancel Article 5 from the new elections...
The High Administrative Court will convene on 10 October to discuss a challenge submitted by Jama’a al-Islamiya, demanding that it be allowed to form its own political party. The Islamist group is challenging the decision of the Political Parties Committee, which recently rejected the group’s...
Jama'a al-Islamiya will field around 150 candidates in the parliamentary elections scheduled for November, the group's media spokesperson, Tarek al-Zomor, said on Saturday.  
 The Alexandria Prosecution has ordered the arrest of the police officers accused of torturing and killing Sayed Belal, a Salafi who died in detention after being arrested for investigation into the New Year's Eve bombing of the Two Saints Church in Alexandria. Prosecutors heard the testimony of 12...
Tarek al-Zomor, spokesman of the Jama'a al-Islamiya, has said that US embassies in the Middle East would be at risk for attack if the United States used its veto in the vote for a Palestinian state at the United Nations Security Council on Friday.  
Informed sources claim a delegation from the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) group, headed by Deputy General Guide Khayrat al-Shātir, met with the military council on Monday, hours before the group announced that it would boycott Friday’s million-man demonstration, billed as “Correcting the Path of the...


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