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The media expert and author Ḥamdī Rizk said that Copts are both Muslim and Christian Egyptians stressing that his book titled ‘Kyrie eleison, fī Ḥub al-Aqbāṭ’ (Kyrie Eleison, in the love of Copts), is directed not only at Christians, as most of the readers who bought the book are Muslims. “Love...
The Court of Urgent matters in Alexandria will begin the first hearing in the case of the explosion of the Two Saints Church on September 25 against Prime Minister Essam Sharaf, the Minister of Interior, Mansour al-Essawi, and Legal Advisor Abdel Mageed Mahmoud.
The Alexandrian courts will begin on September 25 the first hearing surrounding the Two Saints Church bombing against Prime Minister 'Isām Sharaf, Minister of Interior Mansūr al-'Isawī and Public Prosecutor 'Abd al-Majīd Mahmūd who were accused of slowing down the case. Read original text in Arabic...
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