Displaying 1 - 10 of 35.
Al-Misrīyūn reported that there is a consensus in the Church to overthrow President Muhammad Mursī. An anonymous source said that the Church mobilizes Copts to participate in anti-Mursī protests.
"With the approach of the second anniversary of the Revolution, I wish to celebrate it all together holding hands while chanting, '(Muslims and Christians) We are one.'  However, the rift in our unity now makes us worry and haunts us with many questions marks on the fate of this division in the...
As parties and political movements are rolling up their sleeves for the People's Assembly and Shūrá Council elections late this year, talk never stops about Copts' participation, now that the Egyptian Constitution does not discriminate between one citizen and another on the basis of religion, color...
The author talks about accusations of apostasy throughout Arab history, warning that such allegations disadvantage innovative thinkers. Firstly, he references Mohammad ‘Abduh's push to teach geography in the Azhar and the subsequent accusations of apostasy tht he endured. Nūr also references other...
The religious Islamic and Coptic satellite channels have become a controversial issue. Many people believe that these specifically religious channels are the main source of igniting fitnah and  problems between Muslims and  Copts in the Egyptian society through the fanatic and aggressive ideas...
The author reports the issue of defrocking Priest Bula Fū’ād, priest of St. Dimyānah Church in Banī Mansūr, al-Balyanā, Sūhāj, as the church circles view.
Muhammad Nūr interviews ‘Alā’ Abū al-‘Azāyim, the Shaykh of al-‘Azmīyah Sūfī order and member of the Supreme Council of Sūfism.
An interview with Dr. Tharwat Bāsīlī, the famous Coptic businessman and secretary of the Community Council.
The author highlights the controversy inside the church regarding the regulations for selecting the Coptic Orthodox pope.
A study was conducted on Christian satellite channels, their most-seen programs and their audience.


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