Displaying 1 - 9 of 9.
The Coptic Orthodox Archdiocese in Port Said [Būr Saʿīd] issued a statement thanking President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī regarding the Christians of al-ʿArīsh, who have been forced to leave their homes in al-ʿArīsh and move to other governorates to live.
While Israel have pitched into contacts with Egypt to prepare arrangements on the return of its Ambassador to Cairo, Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, the biggest fundamentalist bloc in society, are demanding a revision of relations with the Jewish state in connection with the Camp David Accords.
Throughout Egypt`s governorates, salafīsts have gained in strength since the revolution. While liberals fear salafīsts as Muslim fundamentalists, the latter are keen on improving their image, accusing the media of continously damaging it. Accordingly, salafī preacher ‘Abd al-‘Azīm pointed out the...
The salafīs do not seem ready to tolerate anyone who might question their ideas. They seem to be determined to take the law into their own hands to compel moderate Muslims and non-Muslims to feign appreciation for their dogmatic ideas.
One of late President Anwar al-Sadāt's assassins, 'Abūd al-Zumur, has just been released after serving thirty years in jail, and he has given several interviews. Al-Zumur does not deny that any Muslim will meet a tragic end like Sadāt's if he/she digresses from the 'right path of Islam'....
Universities across Egypt have seen angry students and rebellious professors protesting on campus, threatening to disband only when pro-Mubārak professors and teachers are gone. The so-called university battle is one of a series of upheavals in the wake of the revolution. It started in Cairo...
This story reports on the recent calls for realizing former president Anwar al-Sādāt’s vision of a unified state with equal rights and duties for all citizens. In the past, it was the upcoming October War in 1973 that motivated Sadat to introduce a bill on national unity. Today, it is the...
This editorialist says that the loss Egypt suffered as a result of the recent church attack in Alexandria is similar to the defeat suffered by Israel during the 1967 war. Only this time, he says, one part of the Egyptian community [implying Coptic community] views the bombing as an attack on...
Rumor has it that Cairo graveyards have turned into a lair for the city’s most wanted criminals. The serenity and sanctity of these places are disturbed by various instances of kidnapped women taken there to be raped or killed.
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