Displaying 1 - 8 of 8.
Ahmad Rihīm writes in al-Hayāh about a struggle for control over Egypt's mosques between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafīs.  
Most of the Islamists divided into groups and organizations announced they would back either leading Muslim Brotherhood member Muhammad Mursī or former Brotherhood member ‘Abd al-Mun’im Abū al-Futūh. Copts, on the other hand, insist that they are not one voting bloc and that they are, like any...
Mohammad Yassin, a leader of al-Jamā'ah al-Islāmīyāh, told al-Hayah that he has received news from the Iranian authorities of Mohammad Shawqy al-Islambuli’s imminent deportation to Egypt.  
Muhammad Shawqī al-Islāmbūlī, brother of Khālid al-Islāmbūlī (murderer of the late Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadāt), will return to Cairo today (August 28, 2011) coming from Iran, after 20 years of living outside Egypt. He will then be transfered to al-'Aqrab prison, under tight security measures...
Egyptian Islamists criticize the government's plan to monitor mosques electronically through closed circuit cameras connected to a central network. A source from the Ministry of Endowments told al-Hayāh that the plan aims mainly to monitor the punctuality of imāms and workers, and to monitor...
Ahmad Ruhaym reports on Jamāl Mubārak’s visit with young researchers and teaching assistants in Egyptian universities.
A Coptic blogger has remained in detention since last October. The security forces suspect him of being Father Yūtā, while his lawyer proves the assumption wrong.
Al-Jamā‘ah al-Islāmīyah has stated that it is willing to cooperate with the state on issues related to Islam.
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