Displaying 11 - 18 of 18.
The article is based on a listing of articles that tackle two controversial fatwás issued by two prominent Islamic scholars. The first Fatwá was issued by Dr. ‘Izzat ‘Atīyah, the head of the Hadīth Department of the Faculty of Usūl al-Dīn [Fundamentals of Religion] at the Azhar University. The...
A German foundation finances a conference aimed at convincing Muslim scholars to prohibit female circumcision.
An Israeli postage stamp with an offensive picture of a mu’adhin engenders angry reactions in Muslim communities.
In her research on the second article of the Egyptian constitution, researcher Yustina Saleh argues that this article contradicts other articles guaranteeing equal opportunities and rights to all Egyptians.
The issue of Wafā’ Costantine raised many questions in Muslims’ minds. Dr. Muhammad Ibrāhīm al-Fayoumī said that an equal attention must be given to the cases of christianizing Muslim girls.
In this article al-Usbua continues asking leading Egyptian intellectuals about how al-Koshh could happen.
The controversial ‘Document of Religious Rights’ signed in April 2005 by the then head of the Azhar’s Interfaith Dialogue Committee, Shaykh Fawzī al-Zifzāf with visiting U.S. Christian clerics has made headlines in Egyptian press.
The article describes a conversion to Islam despite fierce attacks from its enemies.


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