Displaying 1 - 10 of 27.
ʿAbd al-Raḥīm Rayḥān, Director General of Archaeological Research, Studies and Scientific Publishing in South Sinai at the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, said that the appearance of songs in ancient Egyptian language during the procession of mummies and the celebration of the opening of the...
One hundred and fifteen lawyers came together to file a report requesting the Attorney general, ‘Abd al-Majīd Maḥmūd, arrest and interrogate Bishop Bīshūy for causing fitna and defaming Islam. The report claims that Bīshūy refuses to apologize for his comments, threatening national unity. Mamdūḥ...
Pope Shenouda states that it is the Holy Synod’s job to implement any changes in the regulations of choosing the patriarch. He also stated that the issue of Naj‘ Hammādī should be left to the judicial authorities.
Dr. Hālah Mustafá was questioned at the Journalists’ Syndicate. A consulting session is to be held next Tuesday to rule in the case.
The head of the Qur’ānists attacks the Egyptian authorities and traditional Islamists for “persecuting moderate Muslims”. He calls on the US to support him.
Jewish communities protest against the participation of an anti-Zionist organization in a conference of interreligious dialogue sponsored by King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia in Madrid.
Talaat Sādāt’s party for Coptic lawyers is canceled for security reasons while his rival’s party goes ahead.
Shaykh Jamāl Quṭb calls for equality between the Azhar and the church and for the Shaykh of the Azhar to be elected in the same fashion that the Vatican cardinals do with the Vatican pope.
The author Muḥammad ‘Abd al-Khāliq Musāhil discusses a recent study published by the Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe [FIOE] about the religious freedom of Muslims in Europe.
The Muftī of Egypt Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘ah asserted that Muslims are free to change their faith as it is a matter between an individual and God.


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