Displaying 121 - 130 of 300.
The Egyptian government decided to slaughter pigs in Egypt as a precautionary procedure against the spread of the Swine flu. Reactions to the decisions varied. While some hailed it as a wise decision, others, mainly the poor who earn a living breeding pigs were angry and tried to prevent the...
Prominent Muslim and Christian men of religion, public figures and politicians visited the papal residence to offer their greetings for Easter. President Mubārak offered his greetings to expatriate Copts over the world and stressed Egypt’s national unity.
Egyptian newspapers devoted many pages for articles on Easter and the value of resurrection. Clergymen from the different Christian denominations and journalists wrote on the subject.
Four Muslim men shot three Copts whilst they were leaving church following the Easter mass. The incidents were motivated by revenge and did not have a sectarian element.
More details were published about the recent incidents against Bahā’īs in al-Shūrānīyah village. Bahā’īs are eager to proclaim their religious rights, and the media seem to be keeping the issue in the spotlight.
A number of critics have commented on Yūsuf Zaydān’s controversial ‘Azāzīl and highlighted the difference between artistic and historical arguments.
The recent Bahā’ī jubilation following the Supreme Administrative Court ruling on March 16, 2009 which allows them to leave the religion box empty in their ID cards has been marred by an unprecedented sectarian attack against Bahā’ī’s houses in the Upper Egyptian village of al– Shūrānīyah in Sohag.
Pope Shenouda has not yet “seen or read” ‘Azāzīl. Muhammad al-Bāz claims that personal conflicts are behind the enmity between Bishop Bīshūy and Yūsuf Zaydān who was celebrated in Hanīn Bookstore in the presence of prominent Egyptian literary and media figures.
The Coptic Orthodox Church’s response to Yūsuf Zaydān’s ‘Azāzīl is ready and will be published soon in libraries. Zaydān bemoans the church’s stance and believes that opponents to his novels do not represent the church as a whole or the Christian public.
’One-Nil’ the movie is still stealing the limelight. The following lines present a review of a file published by al-Musawwar on God in the cinema.


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