Displaying 1 - 6 of 6.
  I borrow this title from these two important volumes published by al-Ahrām Center for Political and Strategic Studies in two parts in 1996 and 1998, and which presented a unique study on the religious reality in Egypt in terms of institutions and the country's unique diversity of Islamic,...
Amīnah Shafīq writes that the existing aggression between Muslims and Christians cannot be denied. The state must first admit to the existance of this aggression in order for it to be resolved.  She added that fitnah tā'ifīyah is the real threat to the January 25 revolution where Muslims and...
The Egyptian-German Dialogue held recently in Germany aimed at finding out how far the religious movement has affected democracy and diversity.
The article discusses the conditions of Muslims in Germany and the different attempts to get them integrated in German society.
The scenes of the national unity iftār [fast-breaking meal during the holy Muslim month of Ramadān] and the shaykh of the Azhar sitting next to the pope on official occasions no longer reflect the new reality.
The article reports a meeting held in Sheikh Ahmad Keftaro Assembly [Religious complex in the Damascus named after Sheikh Ahmad Keftaro]. Sheikh Ahmad Keftaro is the Mufti of Syria. Egyptian Rev. Dr. Andrea Zaki Estaphanous was present in the meeting. He stressed that Arab-Arab dialogue is...
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