Displaying 21 - 30 of 33.
The Ministry of Endowments presented a draft law prohibiting all forms of demonstrations and political activities in mosques.
The Ministry of Endowments has submitted a draft bill to the People’s Assembly to oversee the financial and administrative regulations governing the maintenance of furnishing mosques.
The article comments on an invitation sent by Cardinal Tauran to Egyptian Minister of Endowments Dr. Hamdī Zaqzūq to engage in dialogue.
The Ministry of Awqāf [religious endowments] has declared a plan to release 1500 female religious guide in mosques in order to confront the phenomenon of the niqāb and religious extremism.
The Ministry of Endowments officially warns of the danger of discrimination against Muslim minorities in some European countries.
The Ministry of Endowments suffers from many financial and administrative problems. The authors discussed these problems with Egypt’s Minister of Endowments Dr. Maḥmūd Ḥamdī Zaqzūq.
Jamāl al-Banna forcefully attacked new scholars accusing them of reactionary and backwardness for their incorrect understanding of Qur’ānic texts, at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina’s dialogue forum.
The Ministry of Endowments censors Takfīr statements from a book by controversial Islamic author Muhammad ‘Imārah to stem angry reactions of the non-Muslims.
The article exposes the reason for the Ministry of Endowments’ delay in the project to unify the Adhān. The project still teeters between the minister of endowments and the rejecters in the religious committee in People’s Assembly.
Mosques must only be houses of worship, not political forums.


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