Displaying 1 - 10 of 26.
Amidst the security and precautionary measures, the village of Mīt Damsīs in Ajā celebrated the feast day of Saint George [Mār Jirjis] at the monastery named after him.  The monastery was careful to make visitors adhere to the precautionary measures inside the church and when visiting religious and...
Egypt’s Christians are celebrating Saturday the Coptic Christmas as the Saint Mark Cathedral in the Cairo district of al-‘Abbāssīyah reserved the front row for the representatives of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), ministers, presidential candidates and leaders of political parties...
A large number of candidates running in the third round of the parliamentary elections paid visits to the church to congratulate it over the New Year while candidates of the Salafī al-Nūr Party refrained.   Bishop Bīshūy, Secretary of the Holy Synod, refused to meet any candidates, adding that the...
The military court in al-Mansūrah on Sunday adjourned the trial of 31 Muslim Brotherhood students to the next May 4 session because a number of defendants have not been transferred to court. Furthermore, a student has been detained for treatment.
A leading Salafist said that the West knows well that dignity and progress of the nation lies in the implementation of the sharī’ah, for the sake of which lives can be sacrificed. “We are ready to lose our lives for the sake of implementing the sharī’ah and we welcome martyrdom in order to attain...
Yesterday (May 3, 2013), thousands of Copts took part in the Good Friday Prayer in churches and monasteries in Daqahlia Governorate whilst Dr. 'Alī 'Abd al-Rahmān, the governor of Giza, visited the Coptic Catholic Diocese Headquarters to offer praise for Easter. Meanwhile today (May 4),...
Upon the interference of Hūsām al-Dīn Imām, the Governor of Dakahlia, an end to the crisis over construction of the annexed administrative building to the “Virgin Mary Church” in the Torīl district of Al-Mansūrah East / Dakahlia was set.
The Muslim Brotherhood's (MB) overwhelming success in the Teachers Syndicate election was a blow to remnants of the dissolved National Democratic Party (NDP), claimed 'Isām al-'Iryān, the vice president of the Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party, at a popular rally in Beni Suef on Friday (...
 Dr. Muhammad Salīm al-'Awā, Islamic thinker and presidential hopeful, refused the emergency law and called on all Islamists to unify and vote for one candidate. He also called for a Civil State but with an Islamic reference, saying that whoever does not like it should not vote for him. Read...
Acts of violence erupted at a demonstration the evening before last (August 21, 2011), which was attended by the Muslim Brotherhood, the Salafī movement, April 6 Youth Movement, and the Revolution Youth Coalition. The main battle comprised of the Muslim Brotherhood Youth on one side and the Youth...


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