Displaying 1 - 4 of 4.
In this symposium held by Sabāh al-Kayr magazine with Dr. Hānī Hilāl, Minister of Higher Education, he talked about the crisis of scientific research in Egypt, the open education, preventing female students in niqāb (all-face veil) from joining the girls' hostels or taking exams and raising the...
Muhammad ‘Abd al-Nūr criticizes Pope Benedict XVI for his recent statements calling for the protection of Middle Eastern Christians. ‘Abd al-Nūr alleges that the Pope’s statements were not made simply to show empathy for the region’s Christians, but were political in nature. He views the comments...
‘Abd al-Nūr says that al-Qāī‘dah’s recent threats to sabotage Egyptian churches reveals that the group’s goals in Egypt extend beyond issuing statements every now and then. Their goals, ‘Abd al-Nūr says, are not far from the recent massacre in Iraq. He adds that Egyptian churches are not the only...
The author discusses the American strategy of creative chaos and its effects on the region. He also discusses the methods the US is adopting to reach its goal.
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