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The birth of Jesus Christ brings peace and reconciliation. He is the mediator between man and God and through Him we were reconciled with God. The peace of Jesus Christ is not based on treaties. It is initiated from man´s heart and conscience.
Jesus Christ established by His birth the civilization of love, tolerance and human rights. On the day of the birth of Jesus Christ, angels praised God saying, "Glory be to God in the highest. On earth peace and good will toward men." From this we can understand that Jesus Christ established His...
The author, who is the Patriarch of the Catholic Copts, comments on the Birth of Christ saying that it was the birth of peace, love, equality among mankind and a starting point for a new humanity that forms one family whose father is God. He asked God to keep president Mubarak safe and healthy and...
The Christmas message of Stephanos II, the Coptic Catholic Patriarch of Alexandria and of the Missionary Province of St. Mark.
The world is preparing to welcome the 2000-year anniversary to the Birth of Jesus Christ. The Christian Churches are working to make this anniversary a feast for deepening faith and a renewal of spiritual life.
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