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The Ministry of Waqfs issued a statement commenting on the Egyptian experience in fighting terrorism and extremism. The statement stressed that violence, imposing opinions by force and not considering religious and moral values were the most negative social phenomena of the modern age.
In Cooperation with the Ministry of Waqfs, The Coptic Evangelical Organization of Social Services organized a conference, under the banner of scientific thinking between practice and ambitions. The head of the Azhar Permanent Committee for Inter Religious Dialogue said that the dialogue aims to...
In a meeting of Islamic intellectuals, the Minister of Awqaf said that worshipping is more than the performance of religious rites. The Mufti promoted the idea of a Common Arabic and Islamic Market. He declared that importing any commodity that has an alternative in our Islamic and Arabic markets...
On the third day of the 12th Conference for the Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs, several preeminent Muslim intellectuals addressed important issues, the most prominent of which are recorded in this article.
On behalf of President Mubarak, prime minister Dr. Atef Ebeid will inaugurate the 12th conference of the Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs. The conference will discuss three main elements, as Dr. Mahmoud Hamdy Zaqzouq, the Minister of Endowments, stated.
Dr. Muhammad Hamdi Zakzouk, Egyptian Minister of Endowments, said that the vicious campaigns against Egypt which claim that there is persecution against Copts are campaigns made by suspicious foreign bodies that are obvious in their motives.
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