Displaying 1 - 8 of 8.
The author talks about the warm relationship that used to exist between Muslims and Christians in Egypt.
‘Abbās al-Tarabīlī shows the opinion of the Wafd party concerning constitutional reform.
The author calls for forming a committee inside the Syndicate of Journalists to punish journalists internally before any punishment made by the Egyptian courts.
The author is of the opinion that the statement of the Italian Prime Minister expressed the allures and ambitions of the West and its belief that Islam and the Arabic civilization is its real enemy. He compass between the old Crusades and the new one declared by President Bush, concluding that the...
... It is so easy for John Paul II, the Vatican’s current pope, to apologize for his ancestors during the Crusades and the Inquisition. This Pope did not cause those problems but if we accept these apologies would our martyrs accept them? We thank the current Pope. He was not the one who caused...
It seems that Egypt’s enemies do not want us to enjoy peace. They want to mess around as they like and interfere when they like... We have to call for a national conference in order to be able to face the new plans supported by America and Britain. We should be alert to what is published in the...
We have become ’the kings of talk’. We just react by talking. The Arab governments are reacting only by more talk and condemnation.
It seems that Lord David Alton hasn’t realized that the British mandate over Egypt has ended and that Egypt is an independent country. That is why he has treats us like the old British Lords used to treat us. He forgot that Britain was "kicked out" of Egypt twice in one year--1956. He forgot also...
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