Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
For a long time, Israel and the United States have been trying to attack Islam to the extent that Israel is officially requesting that the US pressurize Muslims to stop Jews from converting to Islam. However, a Hebrew newspaper published that Islam is still widely spreading in an astonishing way.
Egypt had witnessed some great days in which the Muslims and Christians shared their festivals together. Egypt’s atmosphere was full of love, tolerance, and faithfulness. The Muslims and Christians used to share their fasting together and to pray together in order to protect Egypt and establish...
The dispute over the new Associations Law has drawn lots of attention and while it was approved by a parliament majority, the majority of the Egyptian public disapproved of it. This is not merely an impression but an observation gleaned from empirical evidence in Egyptian public life.
The author of this article contends that the public discussion of Islamic issues in newspapers leads to confusion in the minds of the public, leads to splits in the Islamic world, and serves the enemies of Islam. When there is an issue raised such as the intercession or the denial of the Sunna, it...
The Azhar’s web site is full of spelling mistakes in the Qur’anic verses.
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