Displaying 1 - 10 of 13.
Rāmī Lakah, leader of Hizb Misrinā, or "Our Egypt Party" and appointed to the Shūrá Council, said that the three Christian churches, Orthodox Catholic and Evangelical, agreed to submit one memo to be discussed on December 26. 
The Shūrá Council’s commission dealing with the Dahshūr issue managed to resolve the crisis that followed the killing of a Muslim young man and injury of dozens of Muslim and Coptic local residents and to bring back home the Coptic families that left the troubled areas out of fears of reprisals by...
Dr. Wahīd ‘Abd al-Majīd, the official spokesman for the constituent assembly and a member of the panel’s drafting committee, said the rights & freedoms committee submitted several articles – 35 – to the drafting committee for debating. [Sālih Shalabī, al-Misryūn, July 26, p. 1] Read text in...
Nādīyah Henry, appointed member of the Shūrá Council, called for installing surveillance cameras in worship houses and electoral conferences, executing any person who will destroy national unity, and receiving complaints about incitation on a worship house. That came during the meeting of the...
The Shūrá Council's legislative and Constitutional affairs committee headed by Muhammad Tūsūn on Monday rejected a proposal by a sub-committee to allocate a quota for the Copts through electoral lists in the upcoming parliament. Coptic Shūrá Council member Rāmī Lakkah on the committee requested...
At a Shūrá council meeting, Minister of Tourism Zuhayr Jarānah cites a study that says 95% of students at tourism and hotel institutes do not believe in tourism. He said that promoting tourism is each and every Egyptian’s responsibility, including imams. Key Words: Zuhayr Jarānah
Al-Ahrār writes concerning the request of NDP members of parliament to arrest members of the Muslim Brotherhood.
This article discusses the government's decision to put cameras in all mosques all over the state. This has provoked Muslim Brotherhood representatives, who stressed that such an act is a violation of the constitution, and a violation of people's freedom.
Minister Mufīd Shihāb denies having made a promise to Bishop Besenti that coming parliamentary elections will be held according to a proportional list system.
More than 20 members of the People’s Assembly demanded the sacking of Hānī Hilāl, the minister of higher education, because of a lecture delivered by Rabbi Reuven Firestone at ‘Ayn Shams University.


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