Displaying 1 - 10 of 107.
After the January 25 uprising and liberation of party politics from the manacles the Mubārak regime, some good enthusiastic Coptic figures phoned me and suggested the idea of establishing a Coptic party, writes Majdī Khalīl in a column.
 The author assures that the United States of America is more tolerant in treating other religions than Egypt.    
The author compares two examples of building houses of worship. On the one hand, New York municipality gave Muslims the permission to build a new mosque next to Ground Zero despite all the protest against it, thereby enforcing religious freedom. On the other hand, the governor of Minia refuses to...
Churches around the world disapprove of the mass burning of the Qur'ān organized by Pastor Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center Church in Florida. Several activists and political and religious figures around the world expressed disdain for the act. Key Words: Pastor Terry Jones - Dove...
Khalīl reports on the recent troubles of Dr. Dūs Sūryāl ‘Adlī Dūs, the Egyptian Coptic ambassador.
Majdī Khalīl reflects on the “state of ruin” surrounding Egyptian universities, paying particular attention to claims of discrimination within them.
The author highlights the recent report issued by the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights regarding the sectarian violence in Egypt over the last two years.
Khalīl continues highlighting a piece of research entitled “Education and Citizenship” which was presented at the second Conference for Egyptians Against Discrimination.
Majdī Khalīl seeks to shed light on the danger represented by some of the educational curricula taught in the Azhar schools, and how it influences the students' minds in a negative way.  
Khalīl highlights a valuable piece of research presented at the second conference of “Egyptians against Discrimination” , entitled the name ‘Education and Citizenship’.


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