Displaying 1 - 8 of 8.
The author argues that the controversy about the TV series al-Jamā‘ah (The Group), which deals with the emergence and development of the Muslim Brotherhood, is very healthy. However, he criticized the Brotherhood's accusations against Wahīd Hāmid, the author, of having written the series upon...
The article deals with role of the media and political powers in religious incitement.
Tāriq al-Shāmī comments on the court’s decision concerning permitting Bahā’īs to put a (-) before the religion slot in their ID cards.
The author comments on the Egyptian inclination to religion. He points to the paradoxical contradiction between the high esteem the Egyptians gives to religion and their practices in the daily life.
The author comments on the government’s attitude to conceal information on the number of Muslims, Jews and Bahā’īs in Egypt. He discusses the government stance on transparency and access to information when it comes to information on the population.
This article sheds light on the spreading social phenomenon, religiousness. It shows the great difference between false appearances and putting on the mask of religiousness, and the absent genuine religious values pointing out its negative effect on the society.
Tāriq al-Shāmī discusses the fuss over mentioning or omitting the religious item in official documents in Egypt, and wonders when the Egyptian Government will settle this turmoil.
Ṭāriq al-Shāmī argues that assigning Coptic women to influential governmental posts as a concession to Copts and women is a losing cause. In his view, equality is the best solution and a goal that can be realized educationally through the school curricula.
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