Displaying 11 - 14 of 14.
An encyclopedia entitled “Encyclopedia of Egypt’s Copts” claims that over 50 Christian girls have been kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam in Egypt.
The American Coptic Union has sent a letter to al-Maydān, commenting on a recent episode of the Dream TV program al-Mustaqbal [The Future] which tackled the subject of the alleged ‘abduction’ of Christian girls in Egypt.
Al-Maydān has managed to get a copy of the CD on which newly-converted Maryān and Christine Nādīr speak out about their conversion to Islam and deny being abducted by Islamic groups or forced to convert to Islam.
The Bahā’ī faith saw the light of day in Egypt one hundred years ago. With more than 10,000 followers, Bahā’īs are demanding more rights and a place in the Egyptian political domain.


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