Displaying 11 - 19 of 19.
Some might have expected the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) to pay gratitude to the Copts in the parliamentary elections, but in fact, only one Copt was nominated by the NDP in the Ghurbāl constituency in Alexandria.
The Azhar’s dā‘iyas are now asked to take tests at the foreign embassies before being granted their visas to travel to the West.
No one can offer an explanation for the reasons of this decision except the heads of opposition parties, most of whom deliberately did not attend the meetingin which the exclusion of the Brotherhood was approved.
The 1990s witnessed a confrontation between international organizations trying to work in Egypt and law 32/1964, preventing founding NGOs receiving foreign finances. Since most of the activists are lawyers, they began digging inside the body of the law to find legal ways of doing this. Tens of NGOs...
Pope Shenouda was sent to his monastery in 1981 after ’an extreme disagreement with President Sadat’. President Mubarak released him in January 1985. The magazine interviewed Pope Shenouda about his feelings about President Mubarak.
The national unity of Muslims and Copts in Egypt is revealed in the architectural similarities in both churches and mosques. The design is very similar from the outside. It only differs from the inside according to each one’s beliefs.
A nearly forgotten people of the book, the Sabaean sect in Iraq adheres to its traditions while stressing what it has in common with Islam. They prefer to call themselves mindaa’ii "those who know", or Mandaeans, from manda, their word for temple.
A large number of ministries will cooperate with the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchy to celebrate the 2000th birthday of Christ.
Rose el-Yousef reported on the article in el-Destour. It found the extremist declaration as not less dangerous than the murder on 58 tourists in Luxor. Both targeted Egyptian economy. Extremists started targeting economy by imposing the payment of ’protection money’ on Copts in Upper Egypt.


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