Displaying 1 - 10 of 13.
In a speech to mark the last ten days of Ramaḍān, and Laylatul-Qadr in particular, the Egyptian President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī gave a speech in which he offered his congratulations to attendees of the religious celebrations and emphasized the importance of the occasion. He identified Laylatul-...
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has announced that the Egyptian National Railway Authority (ENRA) won the bronze award in a project to improve gender equality and fight gender-based violence. The ENRA won under the category of “gender and economic inclusion” for its commitment...
“We want the constitutional assembly be representative of all segments of the Egyptian people. Copts have demands they want be clearly spelled out in the constitution, including a text confirming the civil nature of the state that would guarantee everyone the right of belief and free practice of...
A number of political movements in Alexandria organized a one-year memorial for the victims of Two Saints Church. Father Philopater Jamīl, Father of Virgin Mary Church in Faysal, attended the memorial and said that if the Supreme Council of the Armed forces (SCAF) wanted to know the "invisible...
A nursing home was established in 1991 that carries Pope Kyrillos’s name and offers its services to Christians and Muslims alike.
‘Amr Bayyūmī and Khayr Rāghib report on the statements of Pope Shenouda III in his weekly sermon at St. Mark’s Cathedral in Cairo.
A Christian production company has produced a religious film, starring Muslim actors, about the late Sister Tamāf Irīnī.
A group of people leaded by a businessman parted with their Adventist Church. The businessman started to criticize the church and considered himself a guide sent by God. He believes his group to be chosen by God to guide people. He published many books expressing his ideas and beliefs. He...
The general secretary of the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights (EOHR) said that there is only one Egyptian prisoner in XY-camp in Guantanamo in Cuba. He added that the recent news the EOHR had is that the family of Ayman Al-Zawahri is still alive. He said that American authorities are about to...
Al-Qashish village is a living example of the national unity between Muslims and Christians. Muslims there help Christians in restoring a church that was built in the days of Khedive Abbas Helmi. At every feast, the priest of the church distributes gifts and clothes to everyone, Muslims before...


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