Displaying 21 - 27 of 27.
In this article, Mustafa Mahmoud expresses his view of art saying that the arts are all natural skills that we are all born with and they are all merciful gifts from God. However, because man perverts his gifts and uses them in sinful ways, art should not be left alone but criticized, questioned...
In this article, Mustafa Mahmoud speaks about the true meaning of Shari’a [Islamic law], to whom it has been given and on whose shoulders rests the responsibility of applying it. He comments on the attitude of those who exploit Shari’a in their demonstration saying what Khalid Mohammed Khalid said...
The Vatican officially announced during a press conference the date and program of the visit of Pope John Paul II to Egypt. The 3-day visit will start on 25 February, during which the Pope will meet with President Hosni Mubarak ... The Pope will also meet with His Eminence the Grand Sheikh of the...
Apparently, according to this article, British and French researches into the reasons Arabs were so powerful in the past have concluded that learning the Qur’an by heart has been the key to their strength. The author contends that foreign language-medium schools set up in Arab countries are a...
The series of Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud continues in which he exposes the Israeli attempts to pervert the Holy Bible.
The latest news says the Israelis have produced a new perverted version of the New Testament. They have perverted and changed a lot of verses according to their own interests. These perversions aim at declaring the Jews innocent from the blood of Christ.
Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud’s reply to the angry reactions to his understanding concerning the intercession of the Prophet Mohammed for Muslims on the Day of Judgment. [He doesn’t believe that the Prophet Mohammed can intercede for believers.]


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