Displaying 11 - 15 of 15.
An obituary of Dr. Maurice As‘ad, one of the most prominent scholars of Christianity in the Coptic church in the 20th century, who has passed away at the age of close to 76
Dr. Mamdouh Halīm discusses the constant conflict between the Millī [Community] Council and the Coptic Orthodox Church.
One of the most concerning phenomena in the Middle East region is the continuous declining of the number of Christians in Arab countries that it prompts a serious study about the reasons and possible results.
"The seven pillars of the Egyptian Identity" is the title of a book by Dr. Milad Hanna who says that the Egyptian identity is a mixture of seven pillars; four main pillars and three subsidiary ones. The four pillars are: the Pharaonic, Greco-Roman, Coptic and Islamic. The three subsidiary pillars...
A review of a book by Milad Hanna calling for a culture of mutual acceptance and the emphasis on national identity over a sectarian religious identity, as well as some background information on Dr Milad Hanna himself.


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