Displaying 91 - 100 of 121.
The next parliamentary elections in Egypt will be the last chance for the government to establish a national coherence, and to renew trust in political reform. Copts are now more interested in political participation, as they became aware of the danger of their political isolation, so that the...
For three days, Al-Khanka had lived in nervousness after a sit-in-strike, by Copts inside a Church which was closed ten years ago, threatened to cause communal unrest. The published report tells of the crisis, and the wise role of Pope Shenouda who was responsible for it ending peacefully.
... The head of the St. Catherine’s monastery filed a complaint against Bishop Makari, the recently-appointed bishop of Sinai, and accused him of trying to deprecate the historical importance of the monastery, which produces most of the tourist traffic in the area. The head of the monastery, Bishop...
The human rights committees in the American State Department issued this week a report that criticized the Egyptian authorities for prosecuting those who claim to be prophets, some alleged Egyptian policies towards women, and some practices deemed to be prejudiced against Christians.
Next Thursday, Pope John Paul II, the Pope of the Vatican will be arriving to Egypt. Due to this occasion, we have asked what are the Catholic problems and concerns that await the great Pope of Rome? What do they want him to do in the coming period? The answer came to confirm the fact that what...
The only practical and correct step as a whole is the conciliation committees that were constituted of wise man from the East Nile Region. This region has remained for centuries ruled by special considerations and forgotten by the capital city. Al-Usboa met Mounir Fakhri Abdel-Nour, one of the...
After the storm that the new family law [that is, the Personal Status Law] has created for the Muslims in the sessions of the People’s Assembly and its ratification, and with the number of sessions held by the assembly and the numerous interventions from different trends, many have neglected a...
The attitude of Al-Gamaat Al-Islamiyya towards the case of Al-Kosheh is a pointer for many things in the Egyptian reality. The most important of these is the agreement of all powers on the political map of Egypt on gathering [Egyptians] together and enhancing the spirit of unity, and that the real...
Between the celebrations of New Year and the [end of the] second millennium, and Eid Al-Fitr, some did not want people to enjoy the rest of the celebration of good days. The blow was hard and cruel, directly to the heart. The flames of conflicts ignited again in Al-Koshh, one of the most famous...
A large number of the Azhar scholars have expressed their disapproval of the visit of Dr. Sayyed Tantawi, Sheikh of Al-Azhar and Dr. Ahmed Omar Hashim, [Azhar] University president to occupied Palestine with an Israeli visa.


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