Displaying 11 - 14 of 14.
The news about arresting terrorist suspects all over Europe and the US drew the attention to what is known as the dormant terrorist cells of al-Qā‘ida. Those cells share common impetuses: reestablishing the Islamic Caliphate, the detestation of the US and its policies towards the Arab world and the...
History proves that Jews initiated the collective suicide. This is part of the Jewish character. Researcher Samir Marcos said that there are many Christian American groups that resort to violence to keep America the sole greatest power in the world. The Islamic thinker Dr. Mustafa Al-Shoka’a...
The mosque of Amr Ibn Al-As, the synagogue of Ezra and the church of Abu Serga are located in one spot in Old Cairo. The mosque of Amr Ibn Al-As is the oldest mosque in Egypt and Africa and the fourth mosque built in Islam. The Abu Serga church is built over a cave where the Holy Family hid. The...
A Coptic Egyptian researcher spent four years in the village of "Deir El-Maymoun" to present a thesis for his masters degree on "Folkloric Celebrations of Coptic Holy Days." He chose this topic because no one researched this before. He believes Coptic culture does not receive much attention from...


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