Displaying 11 - 20 of 25.
A recent TV program on the Egyptian satellite channel Dream 2 has kept me glued to the screen, as it discussed a very controversial issue: Coptic divorce.
A Coptic Egyptian sent a letter to Al-Akhbar about Watani publishing articles and letters from readers that serve to damage social peace for the interest of a small number of Copts, defame Egypt and make trouble between the church and the State.
President Mubarak issued a presidential decree approving the new management board of the Coptic Endowments Authority. Officials within the authority explain that the problems between the authority and the Ministry of Endowments are dissolving after the authority reclaimed 600 feddans. The total...
The author believes that emigrant Copts want to cause a religious riot between the church and the government and to shake the stability of the nation, for the benefit of the Jewish lobby. He stressed that there is no religious persecution in Egypt and that the claims pertaining to Copts facing...
Investigations revealed that the death of the expelled monk Boulis Al-Baramousi was the result of eating food poisoned with a very dangerous insecticide that is not for domestic use.
Bishop Saweris, the confession father of the expelled monk, said that he confessed his sins three months before he was expelled in 1996. The bishop said he tried to reform him after he became suspicious about his behavior. When failed to reform him, he expelled him from the monastic order and...
The Orthodox Church does not recognize the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, Plymouth Brethren and Evangelists. It considers them as sects that have deviated from church references that are based on the Holy Bible, ecumenical councils, fathers’ sayings and church laws. Representatives of...
Watani commented on the TV program "The third opinion," which debated the status of Copts in Egypt and the repercussions of the US committee’s visit, writing that it is "the drummer to whose beat the debate is run." The presenter of the program replied to the comment saying that such a program,...
A Coptic Egyptian citizen sent the American President, George Bush, a letter. He asked Bush to make his era one of justice and peace. He wrote that Copts are living in peace in the era of President Mubarak and refused the guardianship of the Congress’ committee of freedoms. He asked Bush to help...
Mr. Alber Azer Bareh presented his second complaint against Mr. Youssef Sidhom, the editor-in-chief of "Watani" newspaper because the attitudes of Watani affect social peace and the patriotic unity. He said that all the Muslims and Christians are enjoying freedom in the age of President Mubarak. He...


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