Displaying 21 - 25 of 25.
The question that Copts are asking now is whether the meeting of Pope John Paul II with Pope Shenouda will end or at least quicken the ending of the conflict between the Orthodox and the Catholic Churches. The disagreement goes back to more than 1500 years ago. It centers on a main issue, which is...
... Your Holiness Pope John Paul II, Pope of Vatican: Egypt is a country in which the crescent mingles with the cross. It has mosques and churches and everybody worships God Almighty. There are no sectarian conflicts at all and [this is] especially [so] in the era of President Mubarak. For the...
Dr. Ragheb Moftah beliefs that Coptic music has its origins in pharaonic music but others have serious doubts about this and say this cannot be proved because ancient pharaonic music was not written down. Dr. Moftah wants to preserve the old church music while others call for renewal.
Bishop Bishoi is the head of the church court and he is the secretary of the Holy Synod. He answered all questions which have been raised because of the story of the body of father Abdel Sayed and why it was forbidden to pray over the body of father Abdel Sayed.
An Arabic newspaper looks at "rebel monks", their activities and accusations, and the response of the leadership (including Pope Shenouda III) to their charges.


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