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Coptic Catholic Bishop Kyrillos Kamāl William Sam’ān of Asyut said that the Coptic Catholic Church does not seek to impose its opinion on Christians to vote for a specific person in the upcoming Parliamentary elections.
This interview with the Muftī of Egypt deals with the issue of female circumcision, which the Muslim cleric said is not a religious duty. In certain cases it could be considered to be a punishable crime because of the assault it makes on the human body.
The Muftī speaks in this interview about the death penalty, which, he said, should still be in effect to guarantee that the society will not be overwhelmed with vice. He criticizes countries that have legalized prostitution, narcotics and abortion.
The article is an interview with Abdel Massih Nasr who attempted to assassinate Pope Yousab the 115th pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church, in September 1955. He spoke about his attempt and the reasons behind it. Nasr, who was affiliated with the Coptic Nation group, was twenty years old when he...
The article is an interview with Ibrahim Fahmy Helal, who led the Coptic Nation group that appeared at the time of Pope Yousab. He speaks about the attempt of the group to kidnap the pope and force him to abdicate papacy and why they took such an initiative in the first place
In 1960, the Mossad recruited an expelled monk to damage the relationship between the Coptic Church and the then president of Egypt. When the matter was became known, it shook all religious and political circles. However, it did no harm to the Egyptian Church.
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