Displaying 1 - 6 of 6.
The author comments on the negative effects of the attacks of September 11 on Islam and Muslims. He also argued associating Islam with terrorism is an unjust accusation. Still, he believes that the West is not to be blamed for its perspective on Islam. Actually, Muslims should blame themselves for...
The writer criticizes the US media for promoting the idea that Muslim Arabs agree with the thoughts and actions of Al-Qa´ida, depending on false statistics. He also elaborates on the morals and principles of Islam that urge peace and love.
The author gives his point of view concerning how to combat the danger of extremist Islamic movements. He believes that the alleged clash between Islam and the West is actually a clash between extremist Islamic groups and the West. He adds that such groups are also in conflict with all...
Human rights is the most controversial subject in the dialogue between Islam and the West. Muslims criticize many human rights [violations] in the West. Likewise, the West criticizes the human rights of Islamic countries. Each one evaluates the human rights of the other from its own point of view.
The sense of danger implied in the idea of the inter-civilizational clash pushed a lot of thinkers and politicians to adopt the issue of inter-civilizational dialogue. The world knew other kinds of dialogues, for instance, the dialogue between the North and the South, the Arabic-European dialogue...
Catholicism is more aware of the Palestinian case than the Protestants and European Christianity, Catholic or Protestant, understands the Arab situation better than Christianity in America. This may be because of the long relations between the European Church, and Arab Christians in Egypt and...
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