Displaying 31 - 40 of 42.
Mr. Adel Hammouda wrote a full-page article titled Saad Eddin Ibrahim, the man who lost his shadow for Sawt Al-Umma on November 1, 2004 in which he brought charges against my poor humble self. I really wish Mr. Hammouda had behaved as a journalist who has respect for his pen and readers, a...
Since 1971, religious problems have started to emerge on the Egyptian scene tangibly, albeit not in a very serious manner. Muslims and Christians clashed in the city of Al-Khanka. Following Al-Khanka incident, a committee affiliated with the People's Assembly visited the incident site and offered a...
The latest incident in which Arab racism came to surface happened few days ago when a group hiding behind Islam and Arabism, killed twelve Nepalis who were working as cooks in a restaurant owned by a Jordanian in Iraq. This incident is not enough to serve as evidence for the racism of some Arabs...
The US conservative administration did not conceal its religious trends and calls for adherence to true Christianity and prophet Jesus’ righteous approaches. It was naturally that president George W. Bush opened his second term in office by asserting the conservative role of the US foreign policy...
To the CEO and the editor of Rose Al-Youssef, In your magazine’s issue number 3965 issued on June 5, 2004, you published an article written by Mr. Karam Gabr titled “He holds a pistol in his hand with which he could harm anything in Egypt…who protects Saad Eddin Ibrahim.” The article contained many...
The alleged presence of the Temple of Solomon beneath the al-Aqsa Mosque is one of the legends of some Jewish extremist groups like the Temple Mount Faithful movement, which embraces the idea of re-building the temple.
During the Saudi Arabian municipal elections, the nation’s first experiment in real democracy, many were worried because Islamic activists dominated their secular rivals.
Democracy is the keyword in the crisis of the veil in France Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim discusses the crisis caused by the French draft law banning Muslim women from wearing head covers in French public schools and institutions He argues that people should not overlook the great significance lying...
The recent release of the eight Chinese who had been taken hostage in Iraq, brought to my mind a question I had repeatedly been mulling over. For years I have been concerned with racist tendencies displayed by Arabs. Subconsciously, I admit, I curbed my thoughts on this question and opposed anyone...
We are being threatened by many American knives, and every day, we bleed. Freedom is restricted in the name of democracy and the defense of human rights. Last Wednesday January 5, 2005, the US State Department issued its first controversial Report on Global Anti-Semitism. The report condemns many...


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