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Egyptian television prevents presenting any series that includes actresses who wear the hijāb.
The writer criticizes the US policy towards Muslims. He states that 13 thousand of Arab and Muslims living in America have been exiled without warning them. Since September 11 the US is frightened of terrorism that could be carried out by Muslims. Thus, the American government is not going to halt...
A senior Muslim cleric in London issued a fatwa saying that suicide operations are halāl [religiously permissible], according to Islamic sharīca. He even said that they are a religious obligation. However, following the bombings on the London Underground that killed scores of people and has led to...
The article discusses the issue of the right of Coptic writers to raise an Islamic subject and vice versa. The issue surfaced after the article which Christian journalist Mofied Fawzy allegedly wrote about Sheikh Amr Khaled.
The author argues that Muslim’s in Denmark have failed to integrate into society and he argues that the government is attempting to encourage them to marry Danish nationals.
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