Date of source: Wednesday, May 17, 2006
A Somali-born member of the Dutch parliament,
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, quits over her
inaccurate asylum application.
Date of source: Monday, May 1, 2006
In his message from Brussels, Abd Allāh Mustafa reports the latest
incident of the
arrest of three men and a woman in Rotterdam on claims of possession of explosives. The
author also refers to the
development of the role of women in terrorist cells in the Netherlands.
Date of source: Tuesday, April 18, 2006
A government study in the Netherlands has expressed pessimism regarding the future of Moroccan migrants.
Date of source: Saturday, April 8, 2006
A recent report
submitted by the Dutch Intelligence Agency (AIVD) to the Dutch parliament on terror threats and the spread of
extremism among the younger generation of Muslim immigrants has revealed that female extremists in the Netherlands
have a more prominent role than that of their...
Date of source: Thursday, April 6, 2006
Nearly 30 terror suspects have been labeled
“undesirable aliens” by the Dutch government as part of the procedures to deport foreigners who pose a threat to
public order and security.
Date of source: Monday, October 15, 2001
The Belgium capital witnessed a peaceful march in which many Belgians together with foreigners from different nationalities participated. They carried many signs saying, "Stop war" and "That is enough America." They shouted against violence and war and asked for the Palestinian intifada not to be...
Date of source: Sunday, April 2, 2006
In his message from Brussels, ‘Abd Allāh Mustafa reports on the latest Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly where reports drawn up by the EMPA’s political, economic and cultural committees were approved and debates were held.
Date of source: Tuesday, April 4, 2006
The Belgian parliamentarian of Moroccan origin, Fawzīya Talhāwī is to attend the four-day Cairo-based conference on the challenges facing the Muslim world, organized by the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs.
Date of source: Saturday, April 1, 2006
A recent report prepared by chief of the Dutch Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD), Sybrand van Hulst on militant jihād in the Netherlands has warned against the growing home-grown terrorism threat.
Date of source: Monday, November 3, 2003
The Dutch parliament is due to examine a number of subjects regarding education, including Muslim schools and their impact on society. It is expected that discussions over education will bring hot disagreements among different Dutch parties, particularly over the issue of Islamic schools.