Displaying 1 - 9 of 9.
  According to Brigade General Muhammad Rashad who is the former head of Egypt-Israel unit in the Egyptian military intelligence, “Israel supports terrorist groups in Sinai and groups such as the MB in order to destabilize Egypt”. Rashad added “Hamas is originally an Israeli project and they...
Shaykh Yūsuf al-Badrī has issued a fatwá declaring potential presidential candidate Muhammad ElBardei dangerous to Islam, as he supports allowing freemason and Bahā’ī assemblies.
The Coptic Orthodox Church apologizes for not hosting its annual Ramadan banquet on account of Pope Shenouda seeking medical treatment in the United States.
The article represents an almost stand-alone compendium of sectarian incidents in Egypt in the last 20 years. The authors also provide testimonials that prove that the reasons behind such incidents are totally groundless.
The author summarizes the history and current situation of a dispute over land in Rosetta between churches, the government, and a counselor along with his lawyer. The author explains in this article the way the Greek Church in Rosetta was usurped, pointing out that there is no sectarian strife but...
The following article discusses the Internet as a portal for political activism, and comments on recent incidents involving use of the Internet as a political base.
The article reports on the rejection of the Coptic Orthodox Church’s appeal against a previous verdict that allows Copts to re-marry after obtaining a court divorce.
The article discusses tight security measures in Sinai after reported infiltration by Palestinians through Egyptian borders, with the aim of waging attacks against Israeli tourists. Instructions were given to chiefs from nomadic tribes in Sinai to arrest or kill any "strangers."
The spokesman for the Orthodox Church in Jerusalem says that Christians all over the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ except Christians in His birthplace. He expresses agreement with Pope Shenouda’s mandate to avoid visiting Jerusalem as long as it is under the control of Israel. He...
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