Displaying 31 - 40 of 60.
The author explains that there are different groups of kufar [unbelievers] and not only one group, as many Muslims claim. He cites many Qur´anic verses to prove his point of view.
The author explains the meaning of jihad in Islam. He admits that some Muslims altered the meaning of jihad. He believes that one of the reasons behind altering the meaning of jihad is misinterpreting Qur´anic verses. Sura 9:5 is one of the verses used to support the idea of killing, “Then, when...
The author explains the true meaning of jihad in Islam. He believes that jihad, in the sense of fighting, is not confined to Islam. All countries and societies follow the concept of jihad as they all have armed forces and ministers of defense. He admits that some Muslims altered the meaning of...
The author discusses whether Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Abdel-Wahab, the founder of Wahabism, called for a new school in Islam or simply agreed with the imams of the four main schools. He gives a background on the ideologies of each school to conclude that there is accordance in everything between the...
The author comments on the “lovers of takfir” [those who love to accuse others of disbelief]. Instead of attracting people to Islam, “the lovers of takfir” do their best to prove that accused Muslims parted from Islam. There is also another group, non-Muslims, particularly orientalists, that...
In the light of the sad London blasts, one is sad for the British losses, as well as the Muslim losses. Whenever wise people promote the good core of Islam, unwise people destroy what was done.
Despite the fact that Muslims believe in Jesus Christ and Jews do not believe in Him, Western Christians support Jews against Muslims. That is so because Christianity is now going through a process of politicization.
The article raised the two questions of why do Arabs and Muslims hate America and why do Americans and westerners hate Arabs and Muslims? The author tries to answer these two questions. He believes that the two questions should be presented simultaneously for consideration as they shed light on the...
Zayn al-‘Ābidīn al-Rikābī writes on the two views on the Holocaust. He makes it clear that he sides with those who argue for the existence of the concentration camps that killed scores of Jews during World War II.
The Arab world regards the UN’s decision to designate a holocaust remembrance day as racism.


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