Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
Police in Belize announced that an American fugitive charged with establishing a terrorist training camp in the U.S. and poisoning water supplies in North Virginia was arrested yesterday morning in Belize City.
The American Marine Corps dedicate a site on an aircraft carrier based in the Arab sea to bomb the military sites of the Taliban and the camps of Bin Laden in Afghanistan, as a mosque for the seagoing Muslims.
The only Kuwaiti who carries a clerical rank, Father Emmanuel Ghareeb organized a Ramadan evening gathering at the Faith Hall of the church where he is serving which was built in 1931. The evening gathering was attended by 120 persons including many Kuwaiti officials, the Egyptian ambassador and...
Italians are very angry and threaten to launch a religious war against the 1,200,000 Muslims in Italy. This is because an Islamist preacher, Adel Smith, obtained a ruling from a court in the central town of L´Aquila, ordering the removal of all crucifixes from the walls of the classrooms of...
The FBI received an anonymous message to the effect that an Egyptian Christian biologist living in the USA and working in Yosemred [name translitterated from the Arabic] Institution for military biological research is the one behind the spread of anthrax in America. The FBI men got to believe that...
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