Displaying 1 - 10 of 11.
The author of the article sheds the light on the six volume encyclopedia entitled, ‘From the Coptic Heritage.’
Dr. ‘Abd al- ‘Azīm Ramadān traces the history of clashes between Islamic groups and the Egyptian government.
A historian who dedicated his works to writing the history of the Muslim Brotherhoods refutes statements made by their supreme guide in a television interview.
The Coptic Orthodox Church expressed its displeasure with the Personal Status Law of 1955 pertaining to the application of Islamic sharīca on Coptic marriages in case either spouse change his/her denomination or converted to Islam.
After the death of Jamāl ‘Abd al-Nāsir, Sadat had to create religious groups that could counter balance the influence of the Nasserites in the streets and universities.
The USA hastened and accused the Arabs and Muslims in general and Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qa´ida organization in particular of being behind the attacks. America´s accusation of Arabs and Muslims was not filed haphazardly. It gave America the chance to invade Afghanistan under the claim...
‘Abd al-‘Azīm Ramadān states that an outlawed group is now acting as if it were legitimate, and is imposing itself on the people and the state.
The author finds an Muslim preacher in Vienna who challenges his preconceptions of Islamic leaders in the West.
No one can deny that national unity and religious brotherhood have been and will remain part and parcel of Egypt’s national textile, a fact that is established and acknowledged inside and outside Egypt. Religious groups that penetrated the Egyptian society and spread their ideologies threaten Egypt...
Ten years after the publishing of Al-Banna’s book Mas’ouleyit fashal al-dawla al-Islamiya fil asr Al-hadith [The responsibility of the failure of the Islamic State in the modern era], the Azhar recommended the banning of the book because of the unorthodox ideas included in the book. A heated...


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