Displaying 1 - 10 of 13.
This article sheds light on book written in French to tackle the biography of George Qanawātī, an Egyptian Christian scholar and thinker who recognized the genuine core of Islam and devoted his life to advocating Muslim-Christian dialogue in addition to introducing the real positive image of the...
This interview tackles different Christian issues as personal status laws in Egypt and divorce, in particular, presenting some of the reasons which led to the increase of divorce cases and solutions to solve these problems.
This article deals with extremist religious groups in Israel which the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth has called the imminent danger threatening Israel. It sheds light on the extremist group led by Leor Hahn who declared himself the king of Jews and claimed that he was the Messiah.
‘Abīr ‘Atiyyah reports about the studies and papers presented in the annual conference for the Egyptian Organization for historical studies.
The article presents an interview with the prominent intellectual Dr. ‘Alī al-Sammān on the effect of the inter-faith dialogue in society.
The first Coptic conference was held in Cairo in the presence of representatives of Coptic expatriates’ organizations and other national figures. The conference called for effectuating citizenship rights and denounced all forms of discrimination.
‘Abīr ‘Atīyah reports on the statements of participants in a workshop organized by the One World Foundation for Development and Civil Society Care [No link found] entitled, ‘The future of Islam streams in the parliaments of the Arab world.’
‘Abīr ‘Atiyah reports on a number of nongovernmental attempts by normal Egyptian citizens to highlight the meaning of citizenship in society.
‘Abīr ‘Aṭīyah presents the opinions of Copts on the idea that the Coptic Orthodox patriarch can be married.
‘Abīr ‘Atiyah interviews Dr. Safwat al-Bayādī, head of the Protestant Community Council


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