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The author explains the term "Islamic secularism." Islam is an absolute religion like all other revealed religions and secularism is a relative philosophy like all other philosophies that are open to change and modification. The adjective "Islamic" gives secularism an Islamic dimension and not the...
The author states that the Muslim Brotherhood may be the only opposition in parliament currently, but that it would turn Egyptians’ lives into a living hell.
The author argues that Mossad was not the only party responsible for the loss of an Egyptian genius in nuclear physics, but blames those who sent al-Mashad on an official mission without guards and those who allowed his assassination to take place within their country.
Islamophobia, fear of Islam, is a concept created by the West through historical, political, economic and media factors. Several Islamic countries have fallen into the trap of Islamophobia, which makes fixing the distorted picture of Islam all the more important.
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