Displaying 1 - 10 of 14.
The Azhar protests against governments attempts to turn the Azhar into a classical, public university under the authority of the government. Scholars of the Azhar see this as an attack on their institution.
Zaynab ‘Abd Allāh reports on different opinions of Azhar scholars regarding the developing plan of the Azhar education.
The author attacks an article published by the independent newspaper al-Ghad, the mouthpiece of Ayman Nūr’s al-Ghad Party, in which the journalist criticized the sahābah.
Zaynab ‘Abd Allāh writes about the latest controversial fatwá by Jamāl al- Bannā about smoking during fasting. She claims that the fatwá is only meant to distract people’s attention since there is nothing logic about it.
Scholars inside the Azhar are split over a project proposed by a businessman to have a stock exchange dealing in currency, a system of economic activity that is new in Egypt and Arab and Islamic countries, amidst arguments as to whether the proposal runs counter to the sharī‘a.
The Egyptian Muftī cAlī Juma‘ has been quoted by some newspapers as saying in a seminar at the Azhar that extremists must be killed and there is no need to talk with them. According to these papers, he lauded security forces for their approach to radicals.To verify such reports, al- Usbua‘...
The recent plans of the Egyptian Ministry of Awqāf [Endowments] to introduce a single call to prayer has met with huge opposition from the public and a number of Muslim scholars, arguing that the unification of the azān runs contrary to the Islamic sharī‘a.
Zaynab ‘Abd al-Ilāh, author of the article, sheds light upon how the two newly-innovated types of marriages, friend and Misyār marriage, have met with controversial views from Islamic clerics.
Zaynab, a student at the University of Hilwān, was subjected to a process of brainwash. She converted to Christianity for 188 days before she returned to her family and religion.
The Islamic Research Academy has rejected a draft law on female circumcision submitted by the National Council for Women.


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