Date of source: Thursday, August 28, 2008
Professor Larry Levine’s response to the article ‘Superstitions of the Talmud’ authored by Muhammad ‘Abbūd. Levine comments on the misperceptions in the original article, and provides clarification behind some Jewish traditions and stories in the Talmud.
Date of source: Monday, December 15, 2003
Dr. Larry Levine, an Orthodox Jewish professor from New York, USA, responds to Dr. Emara´s article in Al-Akhbar, December 12, 2003, AWR, 2003, week 50, art. 4. It is obvious Dr. Emara mixes between the teaching of Judaism and behavior he sees in practice in occupied territories. Claiming that the...
Date of source: Monday, December 15, 2003
Dr. Larry Levine criticizes Dr. Muhammad Emara´s comments on the Torah and Judaism in the previous issue of AWR. His main comment is that there is always the danger of reading any verse in the Hebrew Bible without the traditional commentaries. [Editor: Muslims would state that the same applies of...
Date of source: Tuesday, August 26, 2003
We asked Dr. Levine to respond to the article in al-Ahram and the comment of Egyptologist Lutfi Sherif. His response focusses on two arguments: Moses is a Hebrew name and the account of the Exodus is right. The arguments show that Dr. Levine and Lutfi Sherif will never agree on these points. For Dr...
Date of source: Thursday, March 27, 2003
Dr. Lawrence Levine, professor at Stevens Institute of Technology, New York, US, and an Orthodox Jew, comments on the article “The lie of the awaited Messiah,” published in Al-Ahram Al-Arabi. He explains whether the article represents the consensus among Orthodox Jews.
Date of source: Tuesday, June 7, 2005
Many Jews are gratified that there are Christian groups that support Israel. This support is much more than just political. Certain Christian groups have raised millions of dollars in support of Israel. What many Jews do not realize is the motivation behind this support, because if they did, I...