Displaying 1 - 10 of 10.
Sālim says that history shows the prominent role of Coptic Christians in Egypt’s political, social, and cultural life. The 1919 revolution against the British occupation is a good example, as it was Copts who first devised the “Religion is for God and homeland is for all” slogan that acted as a...
Hilmī Sālim reports about the recent workshop organized by the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies about religion and freedom of expression in the Arab World.
Helmy Salem, coordinator of the seminar of “Scientific means for renewing religious discourse”, organized by Cairo Center for Human Rights Studies on August 12 and 13 in Paris, responds to the criticism Al-Liwaa´ Al-Islami directed to the seminar and the statement it released.
Fahmi Howeidi wrote an article in Al-Ahram titled “A Point of Order.”He discussed the issue of renewing the Islamic religious discourse, commenting on the seminar “Scientific Means for Renewing the Religious Discourse,” held by the Cairo Center for Human Rights Studies. Howeidi attacked the seminar...
The writer comments on the actions and papers of a conference held in Paris titled “Renewing the Religious Discourse,” organized by the Cairo Center for Human Rights.
Sayyīd al-Qimnī, a persecuted intellectual, requires the support of the elite in order to resume his work.
An Egyptian professor is recognized by a German foundation for his freedom of thought. This article describes some of his views on the struggle to protect the right to freedom of thought in Egypt.
We were mistaken to think that religious extremism that attacks creativity faded away in the recent years. In Sheikh Zayed City in Egypt, where the head of the City destroyed two statues decorating its entry after some fundamentalists put pressure on him. For they think that these statues are just...
Dr. Nawal Al-Sa’adawi’s novel “Soqout Al-Imam” [The Fall of the Imam] has been banned. Many intellectuals have launched a campaign against banning whether by religious or political authorities. But some intellectuals refused to support Al-Sa’adawi’s novel because they claimed that has little...
The Azhar overstepped its judicial mission as stipulated by the 1961 law, namely "protecting the Holy Qur'an and Prophetic hadiths from corruption." The Azhar claimed guardianship over religious thoughts, arts and literature, which contradicts with the constitution, the law and principles of...
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