Date of source: Saturday, April 1, 2006
Critics expect the long-awaited big screen adaptation of Dan Brown’s best-selling novel, The Da Vinci Code to cause uproar among Catholic viewers for allegedly undermining faith in the Roman Catholic Church and damaging its credibility.
Date of source: Saturday, April 23, 2005
The West embraced some Islamic thinkers to hit Islam. Those thinkers call for a new reading of the Qur’ān and understanding of Islam. Unproductive debate and corrupting dialogue are their tools to reformulate an Islam that suits Western fashion.
Date of source: Monday, March 8, 2004
The film has divided the world into two poles. Zionists on the one hand reject any mention of Jews [as responsible for the death of Christ]. On the other hand, freedom of expression supporters in the West are at odds with the Jews lobbying against the film.