Displaying 1 - 10 of 16.
A female student at the Azhar University has accused a policeman of raping her, during her interrogation in a police station in Nasr City 2. She stated that she was taken from the campus premises by a policeman, who accused her of taking part in the protests of the Muslim Brotherhood. 
The NCHR (National Council for Human Rights) has accused the author of the Human Rights Watch Report of deliberately ignoring any violations that ere conducted by the Muslim Brotherhood (such as cases of abduction and torture of people in the sit in and using them as human shields).
The number of defendants who were arrested by security forces due to alleged criminal and terrorist attacks in the past two days reached 150 members of the Muslim Brotherhood in a number of governorates. 
During its monthly meeting, the Islamic Research Academy denounced the U.S. State Department’s report on religious freedom in Egypt, calling it an unwelcome and inappropriate intervention in Egyptian affairs. Azhar Grand Shaykh Ahmad al-Tayyib said that the Academy will release an official response...
Al-Liwā’ al-Islāmī interviews Idrīs Tawfīq, who converted to Islam.
Al-Liwā’ al-Islāmī reports on different opinions concerning the permission of Christians to join the Azhar University.
Expatriate Copts will try to cause problems for President Husnī Mubārak on his visit to the United States in April by conducting demonstrations calling for the Bahā’īs to be accepted as a denomination in Egypt.
The article discusses provocative fatwás including statements that the Qur’ān can be amended if necessary.
A book entitled, ’Al-Hub wa-al-Jins fī-Hayāt al-Nabī’ [Love and Sex in the Prophet’s Life] has caused outrage after it was circulated at the Cairo International Book fair last month.
Muhammad Sayyid reports on different opinions of Muslim scholars concerning the recent Fatwá that permits ‘Urfī marriages.


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