Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
Sayyid Mahmūd comments on the lives of Muslims in Denmark.
A book entitled, ‘The Dispersion of Egyptian Jewry’ of the American Jewish professor Joel Beinin on the patriotic roles of the Jewish communities in Egypt has brought crisis at the level of the cultured figures in Egypt.
The writer complains about an encyclopedia written about Islam by a Jew, which he considers unnecessary Jewish-Israeli interference and dishonoring of the heavenly religion of Islam.
The Egyptian Higher Institute for Culture sponsored the Conference on Translating and Connecting Cultures, aiming to connect civilizations and eliminate misunderstandings between different cultures. As a result of the political conditions surrounding the Arab region, participants spent the four...
It would be difficult for any serious pundit to read al-Sa‘dāwī’s books outside her stature as a socio-political activist that played a vital role in breathing a fresh life into the stagnant issues of Arab women.
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